Viaggio sonoro – parte 1 – Orvieto

Quest’estate abbiamo fatto un viaggio in macchina in Italia, partendo da Orvieto, su fino a Bologna, dagli elfi, e poi giù fino in Calabria. Abbiamo deciso di registrare suoni e voci per editarle poi e creare una sorta di “viaggio sonoro”. Ecco qui la prima parte! Vi consigliamo di ascoltarlo in un posto silenzioso e con dei buoni autoparlanti o cuffie. Fateci sapere che ne pensate!

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Peru – Celendin

This little city on the Andes near Cajamarca still keeps a fashion of ancient times. Here I met Susan, a corageous Duch women with a son, Yannick, affected by the down sidrome. She decided to stay and built up and organization supporting down people: Proyecto Yannick. Thanks to her I get to be hosted by Carlos and Tania, a family of artists, in their interesting circular house, just outside the city. There I learnt a useful technique to keep the dogs away: prentend to take a stone from the ground and launching at them. Generally it worked out!

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Peru – Natives

Bora and Huitoto communities who were originally from Putumayo (Colombia) and moved in Peru after the atrocities committed by the Arana family. They live in villages 8-hour of boat away from Pebas. As you can see, alcohol is a big problem.

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Peru – los israelitas

In Peru there is this religious group who call themselves “Israelitas”. They don’t cut their hair and beard and the women cover their hair. Their sacred place is a little village on the Amazon river, called “Altomonte de Israel”, but you can see isrealitas everywhere in the country. They will be very happy if you call them “hermanito” or “hermanita”.

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Brazil – Alter do Chao

Alter do Chao is probably one of the most alternative and hippie meeting point of the Brazilian Amazon. Surrounded by eco-communities, its clear water, free from crocodils (Jakarè) and piranhas allow you to swim. Just be careful to the electric race and to that little fish who enter your penis if you pee in the water!

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Chucheros, un assaggio di pacifico colombiano

Chucheros é un piccolo villaggio di pescatori nel parco nazionale Uramba Bahía Málaga, nel Pacifico Colombiano. Come arrivare a Chucheros Per arrivarci bisogna chiedere del Signor Wilson al molo turistico di Buenaventura e farsi imabarcare su una delle due o tre lancie giornaliere. Quando sono arrivato la barca era gia praticamente piena e mi son seduto sul primo posto che ho visto libero, il peggiore ovviamente. Infatti stavo nell’ultima fila dietro, accanto al motore e c’era un odore tossico di benzina, che é diminuito un po quando siamo partiti, con il vento, in compenso data la velocitá della barca, mentre …

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