Noi vs Google: 7 a 4

Cari amici, a distanza di qualche mese da quando abbiamo iniziato la pratica ascetica dell’autodifesa digitale, possiamo dire che siamo 7 a 4 contro Google & company. Per le mail, agenda, contatti, drive e lista di cose da fare siamo felicissimi di utilizzare Nubo (servizio a pagamento fatto da una serie di collettivi belgi). Dopo un settaggio delle app non evidente e che ci ha preso parecchio tempo, ora tutto funziona! Se qualcuno ha voglia di sapere esattamente le app che abbiamo installato sono le seguenti; Fairmail; Per leggere le mail Nextcloud per il drive OpenTasks per le cose da …

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Cinema in Rome

Cine Detour , Via Urbana, 107 French Cinema. Inside the French istitute, they have a super good selection. In French with italian subtitles. 5 euros. Largo Toniolo, 22 Cinema delle Provincie Goethe Institut This is the german Institut in Rome.They often do projections of very nice movies (in german with english or italian subtitles), and generally for free.

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Art in Rome

MAAM (Museum of the Other and of the Elsewhere). This was a former salami factory occupied by homeless immigrants and now hosts one of Rome’s most important contemporary art spaces, with installations and paintings by more that 300 artists from around the world. Open on Saturday, FREE entrance but a donation is welcome. Via Prenestina, 913 Villa Medici (the French Academy)is one of Rome’s most beautiful nobile villas, right above piazza del Popolo. Every Thursday it host an art exposition. Have a look here for the program. FREE entrance. Viale della Trinitá de Monti, 1 CRAAK! (festival of drawn and …

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Libraries in Rome

All around Rome there are public libraries where you can study or borrow books, movies and music for free. Open the MAP to discover where they are or search here a specific book on there database. I’ve also just discovered a very alternative and indipendent library in the zone of Centocelle, called BAM (Biblioteca abusiva Metropolitana, which is something like: Metropolitan Unlawful Library). Here you can navigate on internet, play chess, or borrow a book for free. The place is definitely unconventional, also a bit dusty and with a lovely cat around.  BAM on facebook. The address is: Via dei …

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